If you wish to move to Australia and reside here permanently, you’ll require a relative visa because:
- You’re elderly and financially reliant on a living relative, or
- The only remaining relatives of you and your partner live here, and you want to be close to them.
You will need a different type of visa if you merely intend to visit Australia for a short or temporary length of time.
If you meet the following criteria, you may be eligible to apply for a relative visa:
You have a connection to:
- a citizen of Australia, or
- a permanent resident of Australia, or
- A citizen of New Zealand who qualifies
- You are related to someone who is at least 18 years old.
You should be aware that related visas are only available to a small number of persons. For further details, please read the scenarios below.
To apply for a relative visa to live in Australia as a permanent resident, you’ll need a sponsor.
One of the following, or their partner, must be a sponsor:
- a citizen of Australia, or
- a permanent resident of Australia, or
- A citizen of New Zealand who qualifies
- You must be at least 18 years old.
- Have a connection to the visa applicant
- For a reasonable period of time, be a lawful resident of Australia.
Depending on your visa option, your sponsor may have additional qualifying requirements. You can learn more about the various visa alternatives available below.
To apply for a relative visa to live in Australia as a permanent resident, you’ll need proof of support.
Applying from a country other than Australia
1st scenario
- You are submitting your application from outside of Australia.
- You rely on a relative in Australia for financial assistance.
- You wish to travel to Australia and reside there forever.
- You have reached the age of retirement in Australia.
You must meet the following criteria to be eligible for an Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 114):
- Have a relative or lover who resides in Australia sponsor you.
- You must not be married or in a de facto relationship to qualify.
- Meet the conditions for dependencies
- Meet the minimum age requirements
- Have confidence in your support.
- Health and character requirements must be met.
Because of their family link with the visa application, family members of an applicant for an Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 114) may also be eligible for the visa.
2nd scenario
- You are submitting your application from outside of Australia.
- You wish to relocate to Australia to be closer to your relatives.
- You have no other close relatives who live anywhere else on the planet.
- You want to become a permanent resident of Australia.
Remaining Relative Visa is a visa option (subclass 115)
To be eligible for a Remaining Relative Visa (subclass 115), you must meet the following requirements:
- Do you have any close relatives that live in Australia?
- Be sponsored in Australia by a close relative or their partner who is eligible.
- Have confidence in your support.
- Health and character standards must be met.
Because of their familial link with the visa application, family members of a Remaining Relative Visa (subclass 115) applicant may also be eligible for the visa.
Making an application in Australia
3rd scenario
- You are submitting an application in Australia.
- You are reliant on an Australian relative.
- You want to become a permanent resident of Australia.
- You have reached the age of retirement in Australia.
Aged Dependent Relative Visa is a visa option for people who are above the age of 18. (subclass 838)
You must meet the following criteria to be eligible for an Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 838):
- Have a relative or lover who resides in Australia sponsor you.
- You must not be married or in a de facto relationship to qualify.
- Meet the conditions for dependencies
- Meet the minimum age requirements
- Have confidence in your support.
- Health and character standards must be met.
Because of their family link with the visa application, family members of an applicant for an Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 838) may also be eligible for the visa.
4th scenario
- You are submitting an application in Australia.
- You wish to relocate to Australia to be closer to your relatives.
- You have no other close relatives who live anywhere else on the planet.
- You want to become a permanent resident of Australia.
Remaining Relative Visa is a visa option (subclass 835)
To be eligible for a Remaining Relative Visa (subclass 835), you must meet the following requirements:
- Do you have any close relatives that live in Australia?
- Be sponsored in Australia by a close relative or their partner who is eligible.
- Have confidence in your support.
- Health and character standards must be met.
Because of their familial relationship with the visa application, family members of a Remaining Relative Visa (subclass 835) applicant may also be eligible for the visa.
The Minister of Immigration and Border Protection may set a yearly limit on the number of people who can obtain a specific type of visa. The process of limiting visa places is known as capping.
If you apply for a visa after the capping limit has been reached, you will have to wait in line until more visa spots become available. This is likely to be for a long time with related visas, and you must continue to meet visa criteria.
Time required for processing
Remaining Relative and Aged Dependent Relative visa applications that match the criteria to be queued are expected to take about 50 years to process.